Saturday, May 24, 2008

changed my desk

I have had my new laptop since February. Its WAY more powerful than my desktop computer. It took me almost a month to move everything over. I was nervous! I have never been completely on a laptop. It seems so fragile, risky to do everything from the laptop and get rid of the tower. Well... My back has been hurting, my wrists have been hurting, everything. It was time to unhook the keyboard and the mouse and the monitor from the tower.

What a difference it has made. (well keyboard would not hook up to the laptop as its too old! apparently i need a usb keyboard! haha). I have my laptop set up as multimonitor. Yes! Both those monitors are output from the laptop. Its really a neat method. Maybe dh can get me another monitor that we can mount up in the space above the laptop.. hmm... oh Randy.....


Friday, May 23, 2008

Dont Give up

I really want to do this blog! Things are so hectic, and i feel like it gets put at the bottom of the pile.

My middle child is in Gymnastics and she has been trying so hard for the last few months to not give up. To keep trying. Its hard for her, and i see that. She is such an entertaining girl. She wants to play with the others, make them laugh, and have them like her. I try to help her to understand that if shes not serious, then we have to find another thing for her to do, something she likes. She is trying. She really is! If she can keep going, so can I!

Here are some photos from her exhibition that she did this last Wednesday.


Friday, May 16, 2008

I Spy Quilt

My Quilt By My Fabulous Secret Pal - ScrapGirls Message Board

On we were having a few rounds of SecretPals (like secret santa). It was a great way to spoil another person, and be spoiled. If you follow that link, you will see this awesome quilt my secretpal Ann made for me. Thank you so much Ann.


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