Its been a long.. long.. LOOONG time since i last posted. So rather than excuses and all that junk, I'll just have a little fun and show you some of what Im up too.
First... Last week i got ALOT further along with Sabryna's quilt. I started this in, lets see... October. That means i'll be done with it in September?
Recently I mentioned on Facebook that my daughter was wanting some of my scraps and that it was like asking for me to pull my arm off and give it to her. Then there was confusion because I have another daughter who hits the scrap bag as well. My littlest, who is 6 years old, likes to sit and hand sew pieces together while sitting next to me when I sew. So far its really not that bad! Here is her WIP.
And her back... (I mark the fabric with dots to help her sew in and out.)
Anyways, other than that... Family life is going good. I got a job at the girls school, which keeps me very busy, but very happy as well.
Ta Ta for now....