Working from Home - All is better!
Its been a bit since i posted. Such a hectic life i now lead!! Im so glad summer is here.
Where have i been you ask? Well besides the end of the year with MOPS, end of school year and a rather interesting vacation (from which im writing from)... I have also been glued to a new book.
Some of you, my friends, have heard me already sing the books praise since i started reading it a few weeks ago. I was only on chapter 3 when i knew it already changed my life as a "WORK AT HOME" mom. So now i want to share this book with all you my friends.
The book is called "Making work at home work" and its written by Mary M. Byers. For such a long time i struggled with fitting how to be the stay at home mom i am, with the fact that i do have a part time job. I have been trying to juggle in things like volunteering and being at the kids school, with deadlines. UGH! Its just too frustrating. One of the things i have learned from Mary is to no longer look at myself as a stay at home mom.
While some of her book was hard for me to relate too, I don't fully own my own business, there were many points that has helped me tremendously with my job at - Like: How to be systematic, take a break, how to face a dinner dilemma (neat recipes included) and getting past the guilt of working from home.
If you work from home, either working for someone else or running your own business, please go get this book. I plan on going out to purchase a few copies to give as gifts to a few friends i know could use it!